Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Today team pukeko started learning about how animals camouflage!

First we wrote one post it not what we already knew...

Then we wrote down what we want to find out...

Next we had to go around and look at some pictures of animals that had blended into their habitat. 

Then we checked our answers on the interactive whiteboard using a PowerPoint

Finally we got to watch some videos about animals that camouflage.
We wrote some notes as we watched the video clips to help us remember what we learnt for our research booklets tomorrow!

Sunday, 13 November 2016

What if you had animal teeth?

Have a look at the story we read today. We had to pick and animal and write about why we would like their teeth. We better be careful what we wish for as a lot of us are missing our two front teeth!

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Classifying animals

Today we worked in groups to look at how animals are classified into groups!

We found out that there are two main types - invertebrates and vertebrates
Then vertebrates can be put into five groups - reptiles, mammals, amphibians, fish and birds

Check out what we have been upto! We even had a we go at playing a guessing game on the smart Board!