Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Check out these awesome animals that Team Pukeko has made...
They have worked super hard over the last 8 weeks to create them and I am very proud of how well they have all done!

Check out our individual blog pages to see them up close!

Fire wise

Today mr shepherd came and talked to use about how we can be Firewise!

Monday, 5 September 2016

Sunflowers Sunflowers

On Friday Team Pukeko made our own flower pots out of newspaper and then planted a sunflower seed each.

Check us out!

Firstly, with the help from Brenton in Team Kereru, we made newspaper flower pots

Then we put a few spoonfuls of soil into our newspaper pot

Next we placed our sunflower seed into the soil.  We learnt that the short fat seeds were fertile and the long skinny ones were infertile which meant they would not grow

Then we put an ice cream stick in our pot with our name on it so we know who's is who!

Now we know we need five things for our sunflower to grow


Watch our Sunflowers grow!!!!