Sunday, 28 July 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome to Term  Three - where has the year gone?

Reminder that ice - skating/swimming permission forms and payment must be back this week.

Thursday - Arts @ Edendale

Week3 - Ice/Skating / Swimming in Gore

Week 5 - Music Festival

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Careers Day

We had a great day on Wednesday when we got dressed up for careers day.  We had farmers, rugby players, motocross riders, doctors, dentist, haridressers, netballers, vets, bakers and cafĂ© workers to name a few.

Pirate Week


On careers day we had a visit from Mayor Frana Cardno and Rugby player Hoani McDonald.

In our room:

Team Pukeko's Police Offiicers

 Justin, a vet at Vetco came along to talk to us about his role and responsibilities in the community.
 Natasha Hansen came for a visit.  She told us about what it was like to bike in the Olympics.  She was very inspirational!
Paige got to try Natasha's NZ bike gear on!

Week 10

Remember to have a look through student's achievement books, make a comment and sign before returning them to school.  They need to be back by Wednesday10th July.  Thanks.

Please check the lost property box - lots of socks!!

Mrs Thompson will be teaching on Wednesday while I attend the BOT strategic planning day.

Arts @ Edendale on Thursday afternoon.

The school will be closing at 12pm on Friday.


Congratulations to Anna who was this weeks Team Pukeko MVP.  Anna displays our school value of Co-operation.